Lesson one 1 - 5
This is Richard? This is Daisy?
He is a gymnast ... She is a tennis player
Elemente de gramatica
1) Verbul TO BE - timpul prezent
2) Pronumele personal subiect (cazul nominativ - Cine ?)
3) Num㲵l si genul substantivelor
4) Articolul hotarat (the) si articolul nehotarat (a, an)
5) Pronumele si adjectivul demonstrativ (this - these, that - those)
Dic?sportiv : Sporturi olimpice ? Jocurile Olimpice de Var㠍
Lesson two 6 ? 8
Faster ? Higher ? Stronger !
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Adjectivul calificativ ? grade de compara?br> 2) Adjectivul pronominal (demonstrativ, posesiv, nehot㲢t,
Lesson three 9 - 12
My car? his keys... our house
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Pronumele si adjectivul posesiv
2) Declinarea substantivelor (cazul si func? 3) Cazul genitiv (sintetic si analitic)
Dic?sportiv : Atletism ? probe de alerg㲩 si mars
Lesson four 13 - 15
Richard hasn?t got anything !
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Verbul TO HAVE la timpul prezent
Dictionar sportiv : Badminton
Lesson five 16 ? 18
Have something to eat !?
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Modul imperativ
2) Expresiile THERE IS / THERE ARE
3) SOME, ANY Si NO Si compusii lor
4) Folosirea lui SOME, ANY Si NO si a compusilor lor
propozi?rmative, interogative si negative
Lesson six 19 ? 21
Anything else / more to eat / drink ??
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Alte forme compuse ale pronumelui nehot㲢t
Dictionar sportiv : Atletism ? probe de alerg㲩 si mars
Atletism ? probe de arunc㲩
Lesson seven 22 ? 24
Mother and father are talking ?
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Aspectul verbului : nedefinit si continuu
Dictionar sportiv : Atletism ? probe de s㲩turi
Lesson eight 25 - 27
Teatime is like a game ...
Dictionar sportiv : Canotaj
Lesson nine 28 - 30
Do you speak English / do sport / play games ?
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Aspectul nedefinit, timpul prezent simplu
Dictionar sportiv : Gimnastic㠍
Lesson ten 31 ? 32
What does it mean ?
Dictionar sportiv : Pentlaton modern
Lesson 11 33 - 35
Daisy likes dancing ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Folosirea timpului prezent simplu si continuu
Dictionar sportiv : Judo
Lesson twelve 36 ? 38
The bus coductor does his job ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Timpul trecut - verbele TO BE, TO HAVE Si TO DO
Lesson thirteen 39 - 42
I played, you saw, we won, they cheered ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Timpul trecut - verbe regulate
2) Timpul trecut ? verbe neregulate
3) Cele mai uzuale verbe neregulate
Lesson fourteen 43 - 45
Richard went shopping yesterday ...
Dic?sportiv : Box ; Kayak-canoe
Lesson fifteen 46 - 47
How time flies ...
Citirea ceasului, exprimarea timpului, datei etc.
Lesson sixteen 48 - 50
We?ll definitely be late ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Timpul viitor
2) Locul adverbelor
Lesson seventeen 51 - 53
He thinks he?s well dressed ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Pronumele interogativ
2) Pronumele relativ
Lesson eighteen 54 - 56
A wet Sunday at home ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Verbele modale : can-could, may ? might, must
Lesson nineteen 57 - 60
What a strange family ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Timpul Present Perfect ? nedefinit si continuu
Dictionar sportiv : Natatie; Lupte
Numeralul cardinal si ordinal 62 - 63
Zilele s㰴㭢nii si lunile anului 63
Corpul omenesc 64
Ghid de conversa?- 67