Prof. Maria-Elena Vasile

Pret 15 lei

   Este un curs adresat cursantilor Scolii Nationale de Antrenori care contine structurile de baza ale limbii engleze in 20 de lectii si termeni de specialitate din domeniul Sport, mai contine un ghid de conversatie si o lista speciala de termeni sportivi.

Lesson one 1 - 5
This is Richard? This is Daisy?
He is a gymnast ... She is a tennis player
Elemente de gramatica
1) Verbul TO BE - timpul prezent
2) Pronumele personal subiect (cazul nominativ - Cine ?)
3) Num㲵l si genul substantivelor
4) Articolul hotarat (the) si articolul nehotarat (a, an)
5) Pronumele si adjectivul demonstrativ (this - these, that - those)
Dic?sportiv : Sporturi olimpice ? Jocurile Olimpice de Var㠍
Lesson two 6 ? 8
Faster ? Higher ? Stronger !
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Adjectivul calificativ ? grade de compara?br> 2) Adjectivul pronominal (demonstrativ, posesiv, nehot㲢t, relativ-interogativ)
Lesson three 9 - 12
My car? his keys... our house
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Pronumele si adjectivul posesiv
2) Declinarea substantivelor (cazul si func?
3) Cazul genitiv (sintetic si analitic)
Dic?sportiv : Atletism ? probe de alerg㲩 si mars
Lesson four 13 - 15
Richard hasn?t got anything !
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Verbul TO HAVE la timpul prezent
Dictionar sportiv : Badminton
Lesson five 16 ? 18
Have something to eat !?
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Modul imperativ
2) Expresiile THERE IS / THERE ARE
3) SOME, ANY Si NO Si compusii lor
4) Folosirea lui SOME, ANY Si NO si a compusilor lor propozi?rmative, interogative si negative
Lesson six 19 ? 21
Anything else / more to eat / drink ??
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Alte forme compuse ale pronumelui nehot㲢t
Dictionar sportiv : Atletism ? probe de alerg㲩 si mars
Atletism ? probe de arunc㲩
Lesson seven 22 ? 24
Mother and father are talking ?
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Aspectul verbului : nedefinit si continuu
Dictionar sportiv : Atletism ? probe de s㲩turi
Lesson eight 25 - 27
Teatime is like a game ...
Dictionar sportiv : Canotaj
Lesson nine 28 - 30
Do you speak English / do sport / play games ?
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Aspectul nedefinit, timpul prezent simplu
Dictionar sportiv : Gimnastic㠍
Lesson ten 31 ? 32
What does it mean ?
Dictionar sportiv : Pentlaton modern
Lesson 11 33 - 35
Daisy likes dancing ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Folosirea timpului prezent simplu si continuu
Dictionar sportiv : Judo
Lesson twelve 36 ? 38
The bus coductor does his job ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Timpul trecut - verbele TO BE, TO HAVE Si TO DO
Lesson thirteen 39 - 42
I played, you saw, we won, they cheered ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Timpul trecut - verbe regulate
2) Timpul trecut ? verbe neregulate
3) Cele mai uzuale verbe neregulate
Lesson fourteen 43 - 45
Richard went shopping yesterday ...
Dic?sportiv : Box ; Kayak-canoe
Lesson fifteen 46 - 47
How time flies ...
Citirea ceasului, exprimarea timpului, datei etc.
Lesson sixteen 48 - 50
We?ll definitely be late ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Timpul viitor
2) Locul adverbelor
Lesson seventeen 51 - 53
He thinks he?s well dressed ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Pronumele interogativ
2) Pronumele relativ
Lesson eighteen 54 - 56
A wet Sunday at home ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Verbele modale : can-could, may ? might, must
Lesson nineteen 57 - 60
What a strange family ...
Elemente de gramatic㠺
1) Timpul Present Perfect ? nedefinit si continuu
Dictionar sportiv : Natatie; Lupte
Numeralul cardinal si ordinal 62 - 63
Zilele s㰴㭢nii si lunile anului 63
Corpul omenesc 64
Ghid de conversa?- 67





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